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Showing posts with label SAP PI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAP PI. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2020


This document allows us to understand the procedure of editing Integration server business in SAP PI/PO system.

Edit Business system INTEGRATION_SERVER_<SOURCE_SID> in the SLD and adjust to use the <TARGET_PI> technical system

Access the SLD in <TARGET_PI> and select Business systems


Go to the small print screen and choose the integration tab

For the technical system line, click on Change

Change the system to <TARGET_PI> and select the correct client in <TARGET_PI>

Click on the save button

Fix the pipeline URL and the configuration URL to point to <TARGET_PI>.  don't make any changes to the Group to be updated by the PI Apps team

Click on the associate with XI button then click save

On the installed software tab, make sure that the installed checkbox for SAP Netweaver PI product is ticked and click on save

Friday, February 24, 2012

PI service users locked

PI service users comes default with the installation and exists along side the password within the client of Integration server and exchange profile.
They are utilized in the PI environment for dialog free communication between central components of Netweaver usage type PI and also between app servers and PI

Below are the roles assigned to them
Service User
Assigned Role
User for the Change Management Server
User for the Enterprise Services Repository
User for the Integration Directory
User for the System Landscape Directory (SLD)
User for sender applications
User for the Runtime Workbench
User for the Advanced Adapter Engine
User for the Integration Server
User for principal propagation

These users will be maintained in different connections and transactions. Inorder to change the passwords, we need to change them in all those connections and transactions.

There is a typical procedure to vary the passwords of those users provided by SAP.

We need to follow the procedure from below notes for changing the passwords supported your PI version.

999962 - PI 7.10 and higher: Change passwords of PI service users
2474153 - How to change passwords of PI service users in Java Only PI system
936093 - PI: Change to passwords of PI service users
721548 - XI 3.0: Changing the passwords of the XI service users

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

PI configuration notes

SAP PI/PO is the Module which integrates all the SAP modules where it acts as a mediator or for interpretation between different SAP systems and also between SAP and Non SAP systems.
Generally PI/PO systems will not be refreshed and it is very complicated.
If we get in to a situation to refresh PI/PO system, below info will be helpful.

Here are couple of notes for PI post configuration

PI SLD Self Registration - SAP Note 1439558
7.10 SP5 Patch 8, 7.11 SP1 Patch 0, 7.30 SP0 Patch 0

PI Demo Client - SAP Note 1304208
7.11 SP0 Patch 0, 7.30 SP0 Patch 0

PI Full Qualified Host Name - SAP Note 1320707
7.11 SP1 Patch 0, 7.30 SP0 Patch 0

PI Adapter Engine in Java Proxy Runtime Mode - SAP Note 1346933
7.11 SP4 Patch 0, 7.30 SP0 Patch 0

PI Robustness Configuration - SAP Note 1400543
7.30 SP0 Patch 0

PI Single Sign-On Configuration - SAP Note 1473556
7.30 SP1 Patch 0

PI Self Test for SAP NetWeaver - SAP Note 1286149

PI Wizards Overview - SAP Note 1286428

Performing a PI system copy SAP Note 1299373

Configuration Wizard: SAP Note 1400543

Parameter description SAP Note 1375656

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Java (Channel/Thread) Lock Administration in PI/PO

SAP PI/PO contains numerous communication channels thorough which they process the messages between SAP to SAP and SAP to Non-SAP systems also.
Sometimes these channels are going to be locked thanks to several reasons which require to be fixed to permit the PI system work perfectly.
Follow below procedure to fix the issue.

Login to nwa portal with below link .


Login using your valid and authorized credentials

Select Locks option (left side bottom option).
It shows the screen with "java Locks".

Open another browser tab navigating to nwa home as shown below

Here you'll search with a lock argument if channel name isn't provided or if you've got channel name you'll look for lock argument using search term as “lock”

Match the lock argument within the Java locks screens.
Get confirmation from user and proceed as shown below for releasing locks
You can see Remove lock option if you decide on just one lock entry.

If you decide on quite one lock entry you'll be ready to see Remove all selected Locks tab to release all the chosen lock entries at a time.

Removing single lock entry.
Removing multiple lock entries

It asks for confirmation and then click yes if you want to release the lock.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Queues stay in status READY in SMQ2

Queues stay in status READY in SMQ2

If you observe a situation where many queues are in READY status, the following
situations can apply:

 1. A resource bottleneck with regard to RFC resources. Confirm with transaction

 2. Long DB loading times for RFC tables. If using Oracle, ensure that SAP Note
1020260 - Delivery of Oracle statistics is applied.

 3. To avoid overloading a system with RFC load, the QIN scheduler only reloads
LUWs from the queues after a certain amount of DIA WPs have finished their
work. This can lead to long waiting times in the queues as explained in SAP Note
1115861 - Behaviour of Inbound Scheduler after Resource Bottleneck. Since PI is
a non-user system, we recommend setting rfc/inb_sched_resource_threshold to 3.

 4. Additional overhead during this step occurs due to every message being blocked
during processing. This is no longer necessary and should be switched off by
setting the parameter LOCK_MESSAGE of category RUNTIME to 0 as per SAP Note 1058915.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Adapter Engine cannot be found in Integration Directory

"Adapter Engine can't be found in Integration Directory". We can find this error in integration directory and that we can resolve this issue using the subsequent steps.

To check the above error, attend integration directory click on menu Environment -> Cache Notification,


While creating the channel for any adapter in integration directory, adapter engine won't show.

Reason for getting this error :

While doing the XI post-installation steps, the technical system and business system weren't created in SLD for XI server.


The technical system and business system weren't created properly in SLD for XI server.

Proposed solution:

Technical system and business system to be recreated for XI server.

Steps to create technical system.

Step-1: Go to tcode : RZ70

Step-2: Check whether the hostname & gateway service entered correctly or not. If not enter the right hostname & gateway service than save.

Step-3: Click on "Proposal" button and install the default settings.

Step-4: Click on "Activate the current configuration" in Application toolbar.

Step-5: Click on "Start data collection" in Application toolbar and click yes.

Now go to SLD main screen, check whether the technical system created or not.

Step-1: Click on technical landscape in SLD home page.

Step-2: Choose the technical system type - Web AS ABAP.

Step-3: Find out the technical system created with the name “ on server name” .

Steps to create business system.

Step-1: Go to SLD main screen, click on business landscape and click on new business system.

Step-2: Enter the name of business system.

Step-3: Choose the technical system type "Web AS ABAP" and select the parameters technical system, client (ex: XID on iginsapep , 100).

Step-4: Click on the "Next" button and again "Next".

Step-5: Choose the business system role- Integration Server.

Enter the pipeline URL - http://:/sap/xi/engine?type=entry

Here hostname is server name, HTTPPort: 80.

Finally clicking the "Finish" button, it will create the business system in SLD for XI server.

Go to SLD main screen.

Check the technical system type: Exchange Infrastructure, in Application System column for integration server it should appear " on hostname" (ex: on iginsapep) . The below screen shot will appear after creating the technical system and business system in SLD.

To avoid other inconsistency problems in cache update or RWB, please implement the below oss note.

To appear " on hostname" in Application System column for other XI components Adapter Engine, Integration Directory, Integration Repository and Runtime Workbench/RWB. Refer the OSS note: 764176 and find the below attachment after implementing oss note.

Important Note-1: Add the merchandise “SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0” and every one the SWCVs to the above technical system and business system.

Important Note-2:  while creating the business system, if we face the error message “Integration Server already defined there's already Integration Server defined for the chosen technical system . Please select  Application system role.”, then delete the technical system and recreate the technical system using RZ70 and recreate the business system supported the technical system.

There are two ways to see the adapter engine status in Integration Directory.

Clear the integration directory cache  , Environment -> Clear SLD Data Cache.

First: Test the cache notification in ID , Environment menu -> Cache Notification

It shouldn't show any error message 'Adapter Engine not found in Integration Directory'.

Second: Check whether the adapter engine is showing in channel level for any adapter either in sender or receiver.