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Showing posts with label sybase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sybase. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2020

sybase shutdown commands and usage

This article shows us the various shutdown methods of ASE database from isql prompt

1. Normal Shutdown of ASE DB:  Adaptive Server will be shut down from which the shutdown command is issued

2. Shutdown with no wait:  Adaptive Server will be shut down immediately
>shutdown with nowait

3. shutdown SYB_BACKUP: Shutdown local backup server
>shutdown SYB_BACKUP

4. shutdown REM_BACKUP: Shutdown remote server backup
>shutdown REM_BACKUP

5. shutdown cluster: Shuts down the current cluster
>shutdown cluster

6. shutdown ase1: Instance “ase1” will be shut down leaving the cluster running
>shutdown ase1

Restore and recover ASE databse

This article helps us with the procedure of Restore and Recovery of Sybase ASE database

Before Loading (restore) and recover, ensure that no-one is connected to DB using below command

 isql -Usa -STST -w300 -P -X

> (Provide password)



Once you confirm that anyone is not connected to DB, then start loading the database
Load database from "


>Load database TST from "/Dumpdir/TST_bkp1.dmp"
>stripe on "/Dumpdir/TST_bkp2.dmp"
>stripe on "/Dumpdir/TST_bkp3.dmp"

once database is loaded, we've two options here

1. Bring the database online

2. Recover the database.

As i might wish to means the recover option also, we'll accompany second option

recover the database using below command

>load transaction TST from "/Dumpdir/TST.trn
>with until time= 'January 16, 2019 10:32 am

Up on the recovery of database, bring the database online using below command

>online database TST

your database in now online.