Oracle has two parameter files from which it reads while it's beginning .
They are spfile (server parameter file) and pfile (parameter file). Spfile is binary format file where manual changes are not allowed.
Below document shows us the procedure on the way to change/update the oracle parameters in spfile.
This procedure is on linux operating system.
They are spfile (server parameter file) and pfile (parameter file). Spfile is binary format file where manual changes are not allowed.
Below document shows us the procedure on the way to change/update the oracle parameters in spfile.
This procedure is on linux operating system.
Take a backup of pfile and spfile
Create pfile from spfile
Make the changes to the pfile by editing the file
The init<orasid>.ora file has been edited by inserting the
required parameters
Stop SAP only
Shutdown DB
Startup Database in mount state by giving the pfile path
Create spfile from pfile
Shutdown DB
Start DB
Start SAP